Indian Marbles

What is Indian Marble?

We will first begin by introducing the meaning of the term ‘Indian Marble’ as it is used in the marble and stone industry. India has a rich resource of natural stone and Indian stone is, in fact, being transported all around the world.

However, Indian stones have an exotic appeal. For buyers that are looking for something that looks opulent, shiny, and classy, then Indian Marble is what we would suggest. Any stone that is exported from India to other countries is called Indian Marble.

Let us separate the gold beads from the sand and figure out the craze behind the usage of Indian marble:


1. Drinking From the Fountain of Youth: Ages Beautifully

Using marble for flooring and other beatific applications is like taking your dream spaces to the fountain of youth and make them not just drink from it but bathe in it. Marble ages beautifully provided you take good care of it. Time to time application of a coat of sealant ensures that the marble maintains its envy-evoking finish. This is undoubtedly a small price to pay for the splendor that you bring home.


2. Marble Always Pays its Debt: Durable

One of the main reasons why marble is preferred is because of its strength and durability that exceeds that of the tiles and other flooring options by a remarkable mark. Though tiles are consistently being improved to bear heavy traffic, their maintenance is more difficult than marble. They never can be carved into something spectacular, unlike marble with which numerous sculpting can be carved in the interiors, as it suits you.


3. Sparkles like Stars: Awesome Finish

The natural finish of Marble is well one of the reasons why we can’t resist their charm. Indian marble is best known for being pure without many variations and veins of mineral impurities running through the surface of the marble. When polished this creates spaces that sparkle and twinkle from a distance and appear clean as a mirror when seen close by.



Wonder White Marble


4. The Other Road: A Better Option

The market is flooding with newer, technologically enhanced materials that serve as convenient, cost-effective flooring solutions. But, even so, these solutions do not cost much less than the marble and don’t quite have the same durability or the finish and texture as does the nature-created marble. Marble is indeed the better option. For those who incline towards the luxurious side of life, Imported Marble is a fair option. Mesmerizing variants of Indian marble are also quite popular across the world.

Choose marble over other flooring options and rest assured that you own the best flooring there is.


5. Bright as a Summer Day: Wizardly White

The specialty of Indian Marble resides in the startling white of the natural stone. With little to no impurities, the white marble mined from various mines in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh,etc which brings elegance and chastity to your spaces and captures attention like no other. Available in six variants, one exceeding the quality of the other, these Wonder White variants are here to set your dream spaces leagues apart.

While Indian marble is the soul of beautiful architectural masterpieces across the country and the world, imported marble weaves its own charm and beauty into interior spaces. Marble’s worth – Indian or imported – needs no more praising as their superior quality speaks for itself.

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